Monday, March 16, 2009

Efeck The Dust of Petromax Lamp

Ptromax lamp is a kind of light is used as a lighting fuel oil. With the help of high pressure resulting from pumping, lighting petromax in complete with lights petromax shirt.

Most of the petromax used by fishermen as the lighting in the middle of high seas at night. At the time the shirt is eligible petromax change, usually to save the fishermen injured as a medicine. Because they believe light gray T-shirt from petromax can heal wounds in a very short time, and this also has kebenaranya. So that makes it a habit for the fishermen.

This is to attract researchers to examine this curiosity, no secret behind what's actually light gray shirt petromax it.

Results from the research says bahwasannya, clear gray light menyebuhkan can be wound in a short time. This is because the lamp's light T-shirt petromax matrix material can be beradiasi namely Irradium the particles can be produced. Examples of particles contain radiation is Alfa. So if the light gray shirt petromax in use as wrapping wounds or drug injury, then the particles will be directly berinterksi with bacteria or germs and kill bacteria or germs, the more particles will be brought by the blood circulation to the whole blood. This will meradiasi internal body, which in turn will cause the body bermutasi and cause cancer.

However, the incidence of cancer is the result of research occurred in a quite long time. Can reach 20 until 40-year, so this is no cause many problems for the fishermen, the fishermen in Indonesia because of the effects arising in a long time.

Therefore expected my blog readers are expected to be published this knowledge to our brothers, the other, especially the fishermen who still minimal in terms of knowledge of such. I hope this is a useful thing. Aamiiiin ...

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Friday, March 13, 2009

Atasi Ginjal dengan Alpukat

Haii para blogger yang respect terhadap kesehatan. Saya baru mendapatkan cara mengatasi penyakit ginjal dengan menggunakan buah alpukat yang sangat berpengaruh baik terhadap ginjal manusia. Saya harap tips ini bermanfaat untuk kita semua....

Anda atau kerabat Anda sedang menderita penyakit ginjal? Anda tentu sibuk mengobatinya agar cepat sembuh. Sebenarnya, Anda tak perlu sibuk-sibuk pergi berobat ke dokter. Ada cara sederhana mengatasi penyakit ginjal Anda itu. Ingin tahu? Berikut tips sederhana dari kami.

- Siapkan 7 lembar daun alpukat dan rebus dengan air 1 ¼ gelas.
- Parutlah seruas jahe
- biang kunyit sebesar ibu jari
- beri sedikit garam dan air

Peraslah parutan tersebut lantas campurkan dengan air rebusan daun alpukat. Minumlah secara teratur selama 7 hari. Niscaya, ginjal Anda akan bersih dan normal kembali.

Selamat mencoba!

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Tips Ramah Lingkungan

Salah satu ciri manusia adalah kebutuhan untuk mengkonsumsi atau mengenakan sesuatu. Entah itu makanan, minuman, baju, dan lain-lain. Dan seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi dan zaman, barang-barang yang kita konsumsi pun dikemas dengan begitu menarik. Apalagi di zaman instan yang serba plastik ini, barang-barang di sekitar kita banyak yang berbahan dasar plastik, kaleng, atau bahan-bahan sintetis yang sulit untuk didaur ulang.

Hal seperti itu tentunya sangat memprihatinkan. Bagaimana tidak? Barang-barang yang sulit atau bahkan tidak dapat dimanfaatkan kembali itu akhirnya hanya teronggok menjadi sampah tidak berguna. Lalu bukankah hal ini hanya akan merusak wajah bumi kita?

Keluarga sebagai lembaga terkecil dalam masyarakat dapat memegang peranan penting untuk mengurangi polusi-polusi seperti ini. Berikut ini ada beberapa hal yang dapat kita lakukan:

1. Kurangilah penggunaan plastik. Anda dapat melakukannya dengan mengganti tas plastik belanja Anda dengan tas kain.

2. Simpanlah plastik-plastik yang Anda dapatkan sewaktu Anda berbelanja untuk digunakan kembali di lain waktu.

3. Berpikirlah ulang sewaktu Anda hendak membeli barang yang dikemas dengan bahan yang tidak dapat didaur ulang. Selain itu jangan gunakan barang-barang (entah dalam bentuk gas, cairan, atau benda padat) yang tidak ramah lingkungan. Misalnya, Anda lebih baik membeli minuman dalam botol gelas daripada membeli minuman kaleng.

4. Kumpulkan dan bedakan sampah organik dan non-organik. Hal itu sangat membantu pemilahan dan pengolahan sampah di tingkat yang lebih tinggi. Jika memungkinkan, Anda dapat mengolah sampah organik menjadi pupuk kompos.

5. Gunakan kembali barang-barang yang masih bisa dipakai, jangan membuangnya begitu saja. Biasakan untuk berpikir hemat. Misalnya ember bekas cat dapat Anda gunakan untuk keperluan dan aktifitas rumah tangga sehari-hari. Atau, gunakan air bekas mencuci sayur untuk menyiram tanaman.

6. Tanamkan sejak dini kepada anak-anak tentang pentingnya pemilahan sampah organik dan non-organik dan juga pentingnya membuang sampah pada tempatnya. (GCM/Kris) __

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Tips Menghindari Demam Berdarah

DBD sekarang ini mulai marak terjadi di tengah masyarakat, mulai dari anak kecil hingga orang dewasa. Hal ini bisa terjadi karena kita tidak memperhatikan lingkungan sekitar kita, mulai dari kotornya lingkungan sekitar, banyaknya air yang tergenang, bau yang tidak sedap, dan lain sebagainya.

Berikut ini saya akan memberikan tips untuk menghandel DBD di lingkungan sekitar kita.

1. Pemberantasan dengan 3 M:
- Menguras tempat-tempat penampungan air yagn terdapat dirumah seperti bak mandi, tempayan, ember, vas bunga, tempat minum burung, perangkap semut, kulkas/dispenser dan lain-lain
- Menutup rapat semua tempat penampungan air seperti ember, gentong, drum dan lain-lain agar nyamuk tidak masuk dan bertelur.
- Mengubur semua barang-barang bekas yang ada disekirta yagn dapat menampung air hujan, agr tidak menjadi tempat bersarang/bertelur nyamuk aedes aegypti

2. Taburkan garam atau minyak bekas sarang semut untuk mencegah nyamuk berkembang biak.

3. Jangan menggantungkan pakaian di kamar terutama yang berwarna hitam

4. Makan makanan bergizi terutama yang mengandung vitamin C

5. Siapkan obat nyamuk pada saat tidur, termasuk tidur siang

6. Lakukan pengasapan (fumigasi) secara teratur di tempat-tempat yang diduga menjadi sarang nyamuk

7. Hindari tidur sekitar pukul 06.00 – 10.00 dab 15.00 – 17.30, atau tidurlah dengan kelambu

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Tips Merawat Luka Dengan Baik

Kadang kebanyakan orang jika terkena luka, terlalu menyepelekan. Karena mereka berfikiran "ntarkan sembuh sendiri" tampa tau akibat yang dapat di timbulkan dari luka itu sendiri. Biasanya luka yang di abaikan berlart-larut dapat mengakibatkan infeksi, baik karena di pengaruhin oleh bakteri maupun karena diabetes yang menyebabkan luka semakin menjalar dan sulit untuk sembuh. Di bawah ini saya ada beberapa tips dalam menanganin luka yang baik dan benar.

Berikut beberapa saran bagaimana sebaiknya memperlakukan luka dengan baik:

1. Bila luka hanya di permukaan dan terdapat di bagian tidak bergerak, kadang-kadang baik untuk membiarkannya terbuka. Cara ini membuat penyembuhannya lebih cepat. Antiseptik atau salep antibiotik tidak diperlukan bila lukannya bersih.

2. Luka yang dalam dan kotor sebaiknya ditutup dengan rasa steril. Dianjurkan untuk membersihkan dengan air dan sabun, bila luka tersebut kotor atau baru terjadi. Jangan menggunakan kapas dengan alasan di atas.

3. Perdarahan sebaiknya segera dihentikan. Caranya, tekan di tempat darah keluar menggunakan kain kasa (steril bila ada). Segera lepaskan bila perdarahan sudah berhenti.

4. Penggunaan obat antiseptik pada luka dapat dibenarkan untuk membunuh kuman yang ada. Namun, sebaiknya tidak selalu dilakukan untuk menghindarkan timbulnya kekebalan kuman.

5. Luka basah sebaiknya dikompres dengan larutan permangan (larutan 1 per 10.000) atau rivanol (larutan 1 per seribu). Gunakan kain kasa, bukan kapas. Norit juga dianjurkan untuk ditaburkan di luka kronis yang basah, mengandung nanah, dan sulit sembuh. Sebaiknya pakai bubuk norit halus bersih dari botol. Luka kronis harus dibersihkan setiap hari dan jaringan mati perlu dipotong.

Luka infeksi atau bisul kecil sulit diatasi bila terdapat pada orang tua atau penderita diabetes. Luka sekecil apa pun pada penderita diabetes, terutama yang kadar gulanya tidak terkontrol baik, dapat menjalar sangat cepat sehingga sering harus dilakukan tindakan operasi. Karena itu, luka semacam ini memerlukan perawatan khusus dokter, tentu saja kadar gula darah pun harus dikendalikan.

Meski antibiotik yang tepat perlu digunakan, adanya udem (bengkak) di sekitar luka dan kadar gula tinggi sering menghambat penyembuhan dan menyebabkan tindakan operatif. Repotnya, indera rasa sakit pada penderita diabetes sudah berkurang, sehingga luka kecil hanya karena memotong kuku kaki sendiri dapat menjalar ke atas dengan akibat yang disesalkan.

Tidak heran kalau penderita diabetes lanjut usia dilarang memotong kukunya sendiri. Ia juga harus menggunakan sepatu atau sandal berukuran pas, sehingga tidak menimbulkan gesekan yang dapat menyebabkan luka lecet.

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Sunday, March 8, 2009

How Eyes Work

Many old peoples when them adult, they used a glasses. Becasause if they are not use it, they can't look at anything. Many people in this word used glasses while they were studing in a school or when they were a child. because they not notice them eyes when they used it did something. example for learn, reading, look at something of crush like sun, television, light of near lamp and atc.

If you have a child, i hope this is problem not be happen with they. So from now you must know how our eyes child's to work.

The eyeball includes the cornea (say: kor-nee-uh), clear tissue that helps the eye focus; the iris, the colored part; the pupil, which lets light into the eye; and the retina, at the very back of the eye. When all of the eyes' parts are working properly, a kid doesn't have vision problems. You can see because your eyes capture an image and send that image to your brain, where it can be interpreted. For instance, if there's an elephant in front of you, almost instantly, your brain says, "Hey, that's an elephant." Your eyes need to bend light rays so the image can be focused sharply on your retina. The better your retina records the image, the more likely that your brainwill interpret the image, and the more likely you will see the image clearly.

Refracting is a big word that means bending light rays. If a person has vision trouble, it's often a refractive problem. Glasses or contact lenses work so well because they can correct refractive problems. In other words, they bend the light rays in a way that lets you see more clearly. Laser surgery also can correct some vision problems, but it's not recommended for kids because they're still growing.

Nearsighted and Farsighted - Which Is Which?

Nearsightedness and farsightedness are common refractive problems. It's easy to get the two confused.

Nearsighted means the person can see stuff that's near, like a book, but has trouble seeing stuff that's far away.

Farsighted means the person can see stuff that's far away, but has trouble seeing up close, like reading the print in a book.

In both cases, the image is not properly focused on the retina. With nearsightedness, the image becomes focused in front of the retina. With farsightedness, the image is focused behind the retina. The shape of a person's eyeballs also can cause refractive problems.

Another refractive problem is called astigmatism (say: uh-stig-muh-tih-zum). This means that the cornea is an uneven shape, and it bends the light in different directions. This can distort what a person sees and make things look blurry.

Glasses or contact lenses correct vision because they allow the eye to focus light in the right spot on the retina - the spot that produces the clearest image. Because everyone's eyes are different, a pair of glasses that makes one person see wonderfully may look terribly blurry to another person. You know this if you've ever tried on someone else's glasses!

If you need glasses or contact lenses, your doctor will write down your prescription. In this case, a prescription doesn't mean medicine you'll pick up at the drugstore. A vision prescription is a piece of paper with numbers on it. The people who will make your glasses for you need these numbers to create lenses that will correct the way your eye bends light. Remember, the target is right in the center of the retina.

Eye Exams

If you're having trouble with your vision, your mom or dad can take you for an eye exam. This might happen as part of your regular checkup at the doctor. But you need to see a vision specialist if your parents or your doctor think you might need glasses.

You might see an ophthalmologist, optometrist, or an optician. What's the difference? An ophthalmologist is a doctor trained to treat vision problems who may also do eye surgery.

An optometrist is a licensed professional who specializes in eye exams and in figuring out the right prescriptions for eyeglasses and contact lenses. Opticians make or sell eyeglasses and contact lenses according to an ophthalmologist's or optometrist's prescription.

At your eye exam, you'll probably be asked to read from an eye chart. This is the chart with letters in different sizes. You also might be asked to look at some text up close, like reading from a book. These tests measure how well you see from close and from far away.

If you need glasses or contact lenses, there's a special gizmo that lets you try a few different prescriptions until you find the one that gives you the clearest vision. It's kind of like a big pair of glasses, but a bunch of different lenses can be switched in and out really quickly.

The person doing your eye exam may switch between two different lenses and say, "Like this or like this?" You'll have to say which one looks clearest. If you're not sure, say so. Remember, the idea is that you get the right prescription so your vision will be top-notch!

The Fun Part

If you're going to get glasses, it's time to pick frames. It can be fun to try these on. Choose ones that are comfortable and sturdy. But also make sure you like them - you'll be wearing them a lot! The lenses themselves can be made of different materials, such as safety glass and plastic (polycarbonate).

Glass tends to be heavy and it can shatter. Plastic scratches easily, but it's often the best choice for kids. If you play sports, you may want to ask about eyewear you can wear on the field.

With glasses, you'll also want to find out how to clean them properly. And it helps if you have a glasses case and put them in it when you're not wearing them. The last thing you want is to sit on your new glasses. Crunch!

If you're going to get contact lenses, you'll get some advice from the ophthalmologist or optician about which kind will be best for you. Some are disposable and others need to be cleaned. When you learn which type you're going to get, you can start becoming an expert in how to wear them safely and keeping them clean.

But the really fun part of new glasses or contact lenses is how well you can see. They can make your whole world look better!

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Our Child Need Vitamin D

Have you a child..?
If you have got merried i belived, you have a child in your home. Because a child is very funn. Make we wii be life than before, when you still alone without love to a child. We will happy if we look our child with perfect growing, because it will make them be strong, clever, smart, inovatif and atc. But for this time, many problem are giving efect to our child if we can't follow the grow our child. And it will make our child have not perfect growing. Our body realy need vitamin for to completed in our body. example is vitamin D for our bone, and it will not be late if you know the bone need vitamin D when we were a child.

So, how about your child? have you notice your child about them vitamin D in this time?
Children today just don’t get out enough. As a result, more than half of all infants and toddlers are low in their levels of vitamin D and, even at their young age, their bones are beginning to suffer.

Aside from a diet of fatty fish, sunshine is one of the principal sources of vitamin D – but outdoors play has been replaced by the DVD, the TV and the computer games.

In a study of 380 healthy infants and toddlers, researchers discovered that 12 per cent were deficient in vitamin D and a further 40 per cent had levels that were below those needed to maintain and grow healthy bones. The researchers found that a third of the children tested were already showing signs of skeletal problems.

how about you??

would you give me a comment for this information please??

i hope you want..thank you..make your day to be nice with your child..

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